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Download Viswasam Movie Songs
Track Name | Play | Download |
1.Adchithooku (Karaoke)Singers: D.Imman Length: 04:27 Downloads: 2,71,858 | 128kbps (4.4 MB)320kbps (7.8 MB) | |
2.Adichu Thooku AdichuthookuSingers: D.Imman, Aditya Gadhavi, Narayanan Length: 04:35 Downloads: 7,05,994 | 128kbps (4.4 MB)320kbps (8.0 MB) | |
3.Danga DangaSingers: Senthil Ganesh, Rajalakshmi Length: 02:44 Downloads: 3,80,720 | 128kbps (2.7 MB)320kbps (4.8 MB) | |
4.Kannaana KanneySingers: Sid Sriram Length: 04:30 Downloads: 9,12,970 | 128kbps (4.4 MB)320kbps (8.1 MB) | |
5.Kannaana Kanney (Instrumental)Singers: Prakash Sontakke (Slide Guitar) Length: 04:28 Downloads: 1,94,764 | 128kbps (4.4 MB)320kbps (7.9 MB) | |
6.Kannaana Kanney (Karaoke)Singers: D.Imman Length: 04:28 Downloads: 1,23,460 | 128kbps (4.4 MB)320kbps (7.8 MB) | |
7.Rise Up ThemeSingers: Shenbagaraj, Narayanan, Saisharan, Vignesh Narayanan, Sarath Santosh, Jithin Raj Length: 03:46 Downloads: 2,60,483 | 128kbps (3.6 MB)320kbps (6.3 MB) | |
8.Vaaney VaaneySingers: Hariharan, Shreya Ghoshal Length: 04:43 Downloads: 4,63,682 | 128kbps (4.6 MB)320kbps (8.7 MB) | |
9.Vaaney Vaaney (Karaoke)Singers: D.Imman Length: 04:43 Downloads: 74,444 | 128kbps (4.6 MB)320kbps (8.6 MB) | |
10.VettikattuSingers: Shankar Mahadevan Length: 04:25 Downloads: 4,51,636 | 128kbps (4.2 MB)320kbps (7.5 MB) | |
11.Vettikattu (Karaoke)Singers: D.Imman Length: 04:19 Downloads: 79,776 | 128kbps (4.2 MB)320kbps (7.6 MB) |
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Adchithooku (Karaoke) mp3 song download
Adichu Thooku Adichuthooku mp3 song download
Danga Danga mp3 song download
Kannaana Kanney mp3 song download
Kannaana Kanney (Instrumental) mp3 song download
Kannaana Kanney (Karaoke) mp3 song download
Rise Up Theme mp3 song download
Vaaney Vaaney mp3 song download
Vaaney Vaaney (Karaoke) mp3 song download
Vettikattu mp3 song download
Vettikattu (Karaoke) mp3 song download
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